Good thing is, you don’t have to buy expensive dog toilets or doggy loos to dispose the stinky poop of your canine pet. In fact, you can make your own dog poop disposal system by just utilizing recyclable materials that are readily available in the comfort of your own home.
Just follow these simple instructions and you can dispose dog poop at ease:
First is to look for a used container or can, preferably the size of a garbage can, and then drill holes in the side of it and cut out the bottom part as well. You may use any saw or sharp knife to do the cutting.
Afterwards, make a drainage by tossing some stones or rocks in the hole. Take note that you have to position the container in such a way that it is above the soil. Dig a hole that is about 40 inches or more deep. You may bury it in your your garden, backyard or any soiled area.
Once it is positioned properly, place the cover on top. Make sure that the lid is secure enough. Voila! As simple as that, your homemade dog poop disposal system is ready to use!
Remember that when you scoop the poop of your dog, put it in the hole then sprinkle in some septic starter or digesting mix. Pour some water afterwards. This method will reduce the odor and speed up the decaying process.
So how does this thing work? This easy-to-do dog poop disposal system works the same way septic tanks do. What it does is that it dissolves and liquefies the dog poop and drain the liquid into the soil. It is totally safe and will not be harmful to the plants in your garden.
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