There are various ways to housebreak your pet but whichever method you decide, what is only essential is to understand the behavior of your dog. Dogs, like humans, have habits that every dog owner should comprehend.
Many experts say that puppies should be trained to relieve themselves atleast 6 times per day. Remember that dogs usually evacuate his bowels or dog poop in the morning, after every meal, or 3 hours after each meal. During such times, you can now make a schedule for your pup.
Bear in mind that puppies, unless they are a month old or so, don’t have the ability to control their bowel movement. One good trick to train your puppy is to take him out immediately after each meal.
House breaking your dog is all about timing to create a desirable routine. Repetition is the key here. For instance, you can bring your puppy outside to potty before he sleeps in the evening. Or when you wake up in the morning, bring your pup immediately outside. The first thing that most puppies dog in the morning is to relieve. Bring your pet to the same location each time and stay with him for a few minutes. Do this again and again and your pet will learn the rules and be trained to do this routine. Throughout the course of his training, close supervision is a must. You need to supervise the actions of your young dog at all times.
For more information, watch this video on Puppy Housebreaking Tips. It might be helpful! It has instructions on house breaking your dog.
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