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Breeding Dogs for Domestic Purposes

The biggest problem that one faces in big cities is maintaining the security of home. Burglary and theft are relevant these days and it’s absolutely necessary to make some safety arrangements for their home against such cases. Hence having a puppy at home serves the dual purpose of securing the home against the thieves and having a pet for their home.There are several agencies in the world which rear and supply dogs for the needy people. Even though there are several breeds of dogs which are being reared by the people, bulldogs are favorite for most of the people for their several special qualities which are lacking in other animals. The bulldogs...

Different Types of Dog Kennel Systems

Are you looking for a quality kennel for your pet that is comfortable, sturdy and low maintenance? Kennels provide shelter to your little companion and is an important addition in a home if you are a dog owner. A dog kennel manufacturer has various options of domestic and commercial kennels that will suit your requirement. The manufacturers concentrate both on the design and the materials used for the kennel to offer a product of value to the customers. The kennel systems should be such that you should not have to worry about repair or replacement for years. There are different types of dog kennels in the market and you can explore the options...

Air Travel Tips For Your Dog

Traveling by air with a pet can be a challenge. If you have a dog small enough to fit comfortably in an airline approved carrier that slides under the seat in front of you, it’s much easier. If your dog is not a service animal or small enough to travel in-cabin, you’re almost better off to drive to the destination. Placing an animal in cargo has a mountain of risks associated with it. There are actual horror stories about the trauma animals have suffered during air travel by cargo. There was...

Mobility for Your Paralyzed Dog

The case of dogs is not like the humans who feel comfortable even when sitting for long hours. Unlike people who can merely sit in front of the TV or use the computer all day, dogs are naturally active and they love to wander around and explore as their way to enjoy life.  That is why when your dog falls ill or worse becomes disabled, you can feel its sadness deeply over its situation. A paralyzed dog is same as a dead one. It can't go around and therefore can't follow whatever provokes his sense of smell. It is prevented from running and playing with you if it wants to. In many ways, your dog ceases to have the life of a dog.Being a...

Responsible Dog Ownership

With all the companionship and love that our dogs give so freely, it's hard to imagine that some owners just don't take responsibility for their dogs. But it's true. Millions of dogs—healthy dogs—are euthanized every year. Whether through owner neglect or owner ignorance, millions of healthy dogs will endure the same fate this year. So what's a responsible dog owner to do? The best thing you can do, as a dog owner, is to ensure that your dog doesn't become a statistic, and you do that through...

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